Helping you build Wealth

through the power of Real Estate, Technology & Community

What we do

Real Estate Ownership, Investment, Trading & Community


We support you on your journey to becoming a Landlord by providing you with what you need every step of the way.


We make investing in real estate, simple and safe, so you can enjoy the sweet feeling of seeing your wealth grow.


We deliver value for every kobo by removing the inefficiencies associated with trading properties and sourcing building materials.


We connect you to a network of players across the Real Estate spectrum, and offer you market insights, opportunities and more.

Our Products

Dream Bigger, Build Together

Become a Landlord, easily by crowdfunding.
Ditch the hefty down payments and join forces with like-minded individuals. Our innovative platform Cluster lets you save, pool resources and co-invest in high-quality properties, making becoming a Landlord an achievable reality for all.
Earn passive income, the smart way.
Via Cluster you can Invest in strategically chosen rental properties, managed seamlessly by our dedicated team. Sit back, relax, and watch your monthly rental income effortlessly build your wealth portfolio.

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Effortless property search
Whether you're looking to buy, rent or short-let, say goodbye to the headaches of navigating the property market and let PropWire put you in touch with the perfect property in record time.
Ditch the Trading chaos
PropWire takes the stress out of sourcing building materials by giving you better options, competitive quotes, and instant savings. So you can focus on building your dream, not chasing suppliers.
Get better leads, avoid time wasters, make more sales, meet new customers, expand to new markets; These are just a few of the benefits you get when you choose to become a PropWire partner.

You're not alone in this journey. Join our vibrant community of investors, homeowners, and experts, where knowledge is shared, experiences are exchanged, and support is always just a click away.